One of the most high-profile areas of work done by public health agencies is food safety inspection. It is high profile for several reasons, the most important being the reality that keeping the food supply safe is critical to the health of communities, accompanied by the fact that food safety inspection by authorities is really the only way that people can trust that facilities are being held accountable for abiding by the fundamentals of food safety. Members of a community rely upon their public health officials to perform authentic food safety inspections on a routine basis, a reliance that has become more significant as the percentage of food eaten outside the home is above 30%. Given that statistic, food safety inspection at restaurants and other facilities preparing food is more important than ever.
CDP, a software development company exclusively focused on the multifaceted functions of public health departments, has been in business for more than four decades. Founded in La Grange, Illinois, we have offices and data centers in Frankfort, Kentucky and Romeoville, Illinois. We have created Food Safety Inspection software that has been embraced by health departments for its comprehensiveness and ease-of-use, particularly evolving with mobility function. Our expert developers have created CDPims, our inspection management system, an easily-navigated, customizable food safety inspection software with inspection reporting capabilities.
Data collected by inspectors is readily accessed both online and offline with well-developed reporting, monitoring, and data analysis capacity. CDP's food safety inspection software maintains the history of prior inspections for quick reference. CDPims provides function to publish facility inspection results on the web for public viewing in real-time as data is entered. CDPims is recognized as an excellent food safety inspection software for other functions as well, including:
Protecting the food supply chain is one of the most important functions of public health. While often taken for granted, it only takes one outbreak of food-borne illness to capture the attention of the community as to its importance. Departments and agencies using CDP’s state-of-the-art food safety inspection software, CDPims, are employing the power of technology to perform this function well. If you are interested in learning more about our software that will assist with capturing, analyzing and reporting out on data, give us a call at (800) 888-6035 to begin a conversation or request a demo to learn more about the many ways in which CDPims can go to work for you.