CoCASA (Comprehensive Clinic Assessment Software Application) is a tool created by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) for assessing immunization coverage. The assessment of medical records is used to determine immunization rates for a particular group and develop a plan for improvement. CoCASA enables this assessment to be done electronically. In the meantime, practices and clinics gather the critical data in order to feed data into the CoCASA program.
Public Health departments and clinics play an essential role in gathering this data and CDP, a premier provider of software to the public health sector, gathers this data in such a way that it can be moved into the CoCASA program. CDP, Custom Data Processing, Inc., has been providing electronic health solutions to federal, state, and local health organizations since 1979. With its continuous focus on public health, the solutions developed by CDP are the right fit for working with public health data, not a retrofit of software engineered for a different healthcare sector.
The gathering of data, processing of data with CoCASA and analysis of immunization trends is clearly recognized as a key factor in population health. The analysis through CoCASA is vital as studies have indicated that while healthcare providers are wholeheartedly supportive of the practice of immunization, their approach to patient compliance is not as effective as it needs to be. In fact, often providers are unaware and over-estimate the immunization rate of their own patients. When using CDP's electronic medical record, ezEMRx, with exceptional data gathering and reporting capability, information is easily moved into CoCASA for detailed analysis. CoCASA's electronic data analysis will provide detail to public health departments that will assist in diagnosing weaknesses in immunization practices and strategies for improvement.
CoCASA's data analysis is an effective tool in public health's strategy to create healthy communities. Public health departments, using CDP's electronic health records, ezEMRx, in their clinics, have positioned themselves for gathering the information they need to propagate into CoCASA and execute strategies to improve their immunization programs. For example, when reports are run, it will be easier to identify subsets of patients where, with particular changes in protocols, immunization rates could be improved. The ease with which already-captured data through ezEMRx is moved into CoCASA facilitates health departments everywhere to better understand their immunization data and develop strategies for improvement. It is clear that harvesting the power of information technology with its incredible ability to collect data provides an amazing opportunity to constantly review and improve what we are doing in public health.
Through the years, CDP has invested heavily in its most important resource, its team of dedicated employees. When you partner with CDP, you will experience the CDP advantage of highly skilled developers, software quality analysts, project managers, writers, trainers and support personnel. We are widely known for our strong transition team and our Help Desk. Give us a call at (800) 888-6035 to discuss how the CDP electronic health system can go to work for you. With our strong functional electronic medical record, your public health clinic data will be captured.